Monday, August 27, 2012

T minus 5 days!

I cannot believe there are only five days remaining until I finally embark on my study abroad adventure into Torino, Italia! After months of research, waiting, paperwork, waiting, essays, waiting and waiting, it's actually happening! Coming to the end of my summer only means the beginning of my fall semester in a beautiful, foreign metropolis! I have spent an abundance of time in the planning of this trip and acquiring all of the necessary documentation. Once my visa arrived, an exponential amount of weight lifted from my chest; I had been exceedingly nervous it would not arrive on time before I departed. 

I had also ordered an International Student ID Card as a prepaid MasterCard and for discounts in various places in Europe which is pretty awesome. Along with that, my canvas backpack, textbooks, electric converter and laptop have all arrived on time! The last thing I have to worry about is fitting enough clothes into one suitcase without going over 50 pounds.... Ha. Yeah.... 

I'm vacillating between whether I'm feeling nervous or excited, maybe it's both, but which ever way it is, I cannot wait to be in living in Italy! I know I will miss my friends and family dearly, but I think I'll be keeping myself entertained well enough. Balancing school and fun will surely be difficult. I already have so many plans! Oktoberfest in Munich, Christmas in Sweden, St. Patty's day in Ireland, Disneyland in Paris, Cinque Terre, Portofino, Venice, Milan and ROME! So much to see. This is the chance of a lifetime, and I am so grateful that I am going to be able to experience it!

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